New Students: If you are applying to earn a degree or certificate at Virginia Western, you will be asked to choose a program of study. If you are undecided, no problem! Select a program that looks most interesting, and our New Student Advisor will help determine if its the best pathway for you. Changing your program is easy.

Returning Students: If you've applied to Virginia Western within the last 3 years, you may be able to skip this step. Contact the Enrollment Center to register for classes.

Contact the Enrollment Center at Chapman Hall if you have questions or need help:

Identity Verification: In order to provide a safe and secure learning environment, admission to our college requires that all new credit applicants verify their identity. Applicants will need access to a computer or mobile device that has a camera in order to provide a real-time photo of themself (Liveness Check) and upload a photo ID (Driver's License, Passport, ID Card, etc.).

— Last updated by Virginia Western Community College on 2/27/2024 7:54AM PST

Contact Us

Virginia Western Community College
3094 Colonial Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24015

(540) 857-6163
